Only navigate these waters if you are caught up with the latest chapter!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Who Injured Yonko Hundred-Beast Kaidou?

 I couldn't hold onto my chair when Oda [sensei] revealed to us the last Yonko, Hundred-Beast Kaidou. After a minor disappointment with Big Mam--although I did expect a super sized being--Kaidou was just what is expected of the top of the crème, one of the Yonko. A beast whose aura gives away sheer power.

Now, the reason for this short post is to figure out what happened or who caused the injury on Kaidou's stomach.

 You see it?

Who could have possibly inflicted such an injury on the body of the Strongest Living Creature?

Well here are my usual suspects:

I. Whitebeard

A Stare You Feel To Your Bone, Whitebeard
 After rereading the last 20 chapters or so this lovely afternoon (with new crazy theories soon to be pusblished), I came down to the this-was-so-obvious suspect: the late Yonko Edward Newgate, a.k.a Whitebeard, a.k.a. The Master of the Sea, a.k.a. the previous strongest man alive. Reason why it was obvious is simply due to Kaidou's mention of his name. As if Whitebeard was the only person by whom he could meet his demise.

II. Someone From The Wano Country - Monosuke's Father: Lord Eden
As of chapter 817, we now know that Lord Eden sailed on the ORO Jackson ship with the previous KOP, Gol D Roger. We also know that he was the last person from his clan who could read, write, and decipher the poneglyphs. And being both a royalty and a true Wano samurai, he was definitely not to be trifled with. Being someone who could write on indestructible books, he could have been powerful enough to inflict the injury on Kaidou. Or who knows, maybe Monosuke's mother was no one to be messed with. "Behind every strong man, there is a strong woman after all."

Honorable Mention

Dracule Mihawk

Mihawk is afterall the strongest swordsman alive right?


We still do not know Shanks' true power, and that's the best thing about it!

Gecko Moria?

Which Theory Was Right? 
  •   I will update this section once Oda sensei opens Pandora's box

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