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Monday, June 27, 2016

One Piece Chapter 830 Review: Luffy and Jinbei

Jinbei declares his ambition to join Luffy and the Straw Hats
Hello fellow grand-line pirates! Since I'm quite busy on some travel preparations, bear with me if the next two reviews come late.
So One Piece 830 came out and it was great. Here is a super quick review (theories) for the chapter:

  1. Jinbei has decided to join Luffy and co. 
  2. Big Mom wants to take something else in exchange for Jinbei leaving her crew.
    • Big Mom is definitely not a nice Yonko. She wants Jinbei to lose something if he is really leaving.  The big question is what will the roulette decide on Jinbei's fate? Is he going to lose a limb? Someone close to him? Or worse (i.e. an attack on Fishmen Island?)
      • On a side note, it won't surprise me if he loses an arm! People tend to lose limbs and even lives for the sake of the Straw Hats crew members.
    • I fear that the one waiting for Luffy and co on the shores of Whole Cake Island might be none other than Jinbei (in a beaten shape). If the Jinbei is indeed the one, there will be no doubt Luffy will wipe the floor with Big Mom.
  3. Aladin is indeed the second in command.
    • Love when my theories nail the bull's eye. Although this one was a bit of a given. In any case, we can expect Aladin to replace Jinbei as the new head of the Sun Pirates. Since his wife will pick him over her mother, we can also expect that Aladin will not feel a conflict of interest when he sides with Jinbei.
  4.  Pedro was defeated
    • So Pedro used to be a pirate and ran an errand with Pekoms to steal one of the poneglyphs. It seems he failed miserably and was forced to retreat back to Zou. The questions become:
      • Who defeated them? Big Mom most likely...
      • Why Pekoms stayed with Big Mom? Let's remember there are still some of his old crew mates on Totland
    • I'm not particularly interested in what occurred with Pedro, but it would be nice to know what transpired back in the days. 
Which Theory Was Correct?
  • I will update this area when Oda sensei opens pandora's box

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