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Friday, February 7, 2014

What's Wrong with Japanese Mangas - Open Message to Hiro Mashima

 Just a random thought I wanted to write a long long long time ago:

Got to admit, it has a nice story line, memorable and exciting battles, great and bunch of interesting characters. The only problem I had was the explicit NSFW content it displayed.
Way too many more-than-semi-nude drawings. I don't know when mangas started being like that. Well, there was a start with pervert characters (Master Roshi from DBZ, Ippo and his crew, etc...) since many years back. However, the new mangas are simply put immoral.
This is not a whining from a young adolescent screaming and hitting his chest with self righteousness... I'm 26. Since I enjoy drawing myself, it is only normal to be interested in other people's stories. It just fascinates me how whole new worlds are drawn with the aide of a pencil and paper. In any case
going back to the issue of hentai-like materials appearing more and more on your average Shonen manga, I wonder if it isn't some deep past personal childhood trauma/experience/whatever you want to call it with Mangakas (authors of mangas). Nowadays, many Japanese mangas, explicit materials are so widespread, it is rare to discover a new manga with no reference to perverted materials/actions/characters.

I mean who enjoys those sexual contents in youth publications? Perhaps the Japanese readers could be pointed to with the fingers. Who the heck knows.

Have we, as a wordly society, evolved--fallen--so low in morality and decency?
This is a message to all Mangakas (specifically the Author of Fairy Tail), from the heart of a fan, please stop promoting explicit materials in your work! We have no need of your internal fantasies or those from your fans. We want your inspiration, no, we need it to satisfy our manga craving. Have a decency for the sake of whatever you love or worship. Children are following your works, they feel through your lines, and dream through your characters. As many of us who grew up in the DBZ era, we still love reading  manga in our adulthood, and see ourselves doing so we we grow older.

As an example, a new manga I came across, Hinomaru Zumou, is just a GREAT manga. The characters cannot fly, nor shoot energy beams through their hands, nor turn mountains to dust or freeze/evaporate oceans, it recounts the real struggle of a high school Sumo team. You see, the absence of superpowers and perversity did not make it any less of a wonderful piece of art.

To all of the youths, don't be pervert and I dare you to save yourself. This is something which might lead you to terrible vices, addiction to porn being the least of them.

P.S. I still read Fairy Tail because it has a good story line, but I'm forced to fly through every other page due to the kind of materials stated above. I love taking my time to read a page, notice the panels, decode the words, and above all admire the drawing. With FT, there is only the reading part really.  Unfortunately, it is not a manga I will be revisiting once it is over.

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