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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chapter 822 Review: Team Sanji and Vivi

Chapter 822 was like that savory and familiar meal which leaves one in a satisfied mood. It stresses once again Luffy's contagious carefree ways and his crew's total trust in him.

No major actions occured in the chapter, but here were the main highlights:

1) The break down of the teams
Team Sanji led by our captain consists of Nami, Brook, Chopper, and Pedro to keep an eye on Pekoms. Seat tight Sanji!
Team Wano led by Zoro and Law, consists of the rest of the Straw Hats & Heart Pirates, Kinemon, Kanjirou and Raizou. Perhaps
Team Marco led by Master Nekomamushi will head out to recruit Marco
Team Zou will make sure Zou and Monosuke are safe until the showdown with Kaidou goes down.

2) Pedro is Pekoms' older brother
Seems like our cute eyed Pekoms has an unknown tendency which makes him untrustworthy. Perhaps that's the reason he is infamous in the New World. His bro Pedro seems to be the only one able to keep him in check.

3) Vivi makes a move
Princess Vivi finally appears! I think they're on their way to this year's Riverie. Something tells me she might cross paths with one of the groups. Or is this finally when she decides to join once again?
I'm also glad King Cobra didn't kick the bucket as he was bed ridden.

Luffy is simply the best :-).

Team Luffy

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